Your skin is your body’s largest organ. One of its primary functions is to protect you from various environmental factors and pollutants. It also helps to maintain homeostasis and stores nutrients, and it’s the site of vitamin D synthesis. While your skin is resilient, many conditions can affect it. These issues can keep your skin from doing its crucial jobs, which can then harm your overall health. A cannabis ointment may help to get minor skin conditions under control, improving its health and appearance.

What Is Cannabis Ointment?

Cannabis ointment is a type of infused topical. Compared to creams and lotions, it’s much thicker. It also contains much more oil, which can provide a protective barrier. These particular ointments have been infused with cannabinoids to provide additional healing benefits.


How Does Cannabis Ointment Work?

A cannabis ointment is a type of product that you apply directly to your skin at the site of your specific issues. After you put it on, the cannabinoids absorb into your skin, where they go to work interacting with the local cannabinoid receptors. They can help to alleviate pain, inflammation, swelling, redness, itching, and more.

Which Skin Conditions Can Cannabis Ointment Treat?

You can treat several different minor skin conditions with cannabis ointment. These conditions include:


Acne is one of the most common skin conditions. Most people have experienced it at some point in their lives. Current research shows that cannabinoids can help to reduce inflammation caused by acne. CBD, in particular, may also help to reduce the production of sebum, reducing breakouts.


Rosacea is a condition that causes flushing of the skin. People with rosacea may also experience a burning sensation and the development of small bumps in the affected areas. Using a topical cannabis ointment in addition to avoiding factors that trigger rosacea can help to reduce or prevent the symptoms from occurring.


Psoriasis occurs as a result of skin cells growing too quickly. The condition leads to a buildup of excess skin cells, as well as pain, swelling, and itching. Cannabinoids in infused ointments can help to treat itching and discomfort. They can also help to slow skin cell proliferation. The ointment itself provides moisture and protection, allowing the affected area to heal.


Eczema is a chronic condition that causes patches of dry, red, itchy skin. It can also cause a significant amount of pain and discomfort. Topical cannabis ointments can help to alleviate the inflammation and put a stop to pain and itching while also providing a protective barrier that allows your skin to heal.

Are There Additional Benefits?

There are several other benefits that come with cannabis ointments, such as:

  • The ointments are topical, so you don’t have to smoke or eat anything
  • They’re easy to apply and provide fast, effective localized relief
  • Even if the ointment contains THC, there’s no risk of getting high, as the cannabinoids can’t reach your bloodstream

With cannabis ointment, you can find relief from a variety of minor skin conditions. If you’re interested in giving them a shot, don’t hesitate to speak with your dermatologist.